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Today, we’re chatting with a marketer who is arguably the most sought after MC in the event industry. He started out as an internet entrepreneur in 2007 and in the last 15 years or so, he’s made a massive, massive impact.
Not only is he motivational and charismatic, but he’s also got a great story to tell. So it’s a pleasure to welcome Devon brown.
Devon Brown:
Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate those kind words.
Well, it’s great to have you here for anyone who is unfamiliar with you though. Devon, maybe you could start with just a quick background.
Devon Brown:
Yeah, absolutely. So like you said, my name is Devon brown. My claim the fame is two things. Number one, I am an internet marketer and have been quote, unquote “successful” for the past 15 years or so.
I actually got my start back in 2001 and failed miserably and lost tens of thousands of dollars.
And it wasn’t until about somewhere between ’07 and ’09, that I finally figured out how to make this online marketing thing work.
Since then, I’ve been a two comma club award winner.
For those of you who are familiar with the whole ClickFunnels brand, I’ve had a number one product on ClickBank. And the industry that I focus very heavily on in internet marketing is the affiliate marketing world, teaching entrepreneurs, how to sell other people’s products. Simultaneously, I’ve gotten the reputation as the number one MC in the event space in our world.
I MC a lot of the big events with people like Russell Brunson and Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins and Brendan Broussard and Rachel Hollis. And a lot of the names in the entrepreneur success space, I’m the individual that they call when they’re having an event and they’re looking for an MC. So those are the two things I’m known for. It’s a little background on me.
Great. I guess your little black book is now a big black book with all the names of the contacts that you have now. Can I start then by asking who has impressed you the most?
Devon Brown:
Wow. That’s a really great question. I’m going to answer that in a way. Here’s the most honest way I can answer that. One of the things that I’ve realised is that a lot of the big names that we see are no more special than the people who are not big names. And that’s not exactly the answer to your question and I totally understand that. I can say a lot of great things. Russell Brunson is one of the nicest people you’ll ever met. Brendan Broussard is an amazing speaker. And he connects on a human level. Tony Robbins is Tony Robbins. Rachel Hollis is connected with women on a way that so few people have.
But what I would say, overall, is that they’re all just people. And what they’ve done is they’ve decided to live into their truth without fear. They’ve decided to live wholly into who they are and to spread their message. And if I’m being completely honest, I have heard quote, unquote, “everyday people” on stages who have impressed me as much, if not more, than some of the biggest names in this game. And I say that to say that if you’re listening to my voice right now, I want you to understand that the people who you look up to, or you idolise, give them their props, but understand that they are no more special than you.
That’s a great answer though. It’s a great answer. You must have been inspired by so many people along the way, Devon, and I love the fact that you mentioned that back in 2001, when you first got started, you did burn through tens of thousands of dollars before you achieved real success. How was that at the time for you? What did it feel like to be burning through that cash and not really getting anywhere?
Devon Brown:
Yeah. I felt like a failure. I felt like none of this stuff works so often in this industry. What we see is we see the stories of the most successful. And we think that’s the average and it’s not. We see the 4% or the 3%. And that’s what’s put in our faces every day. And we think that is the rule, not the exception. And so when I was first trying and burning through all that money, the first thing I thought was, “Wow, this stuff definitely does not work.” This stuff is a scam. Maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. And if I’m being completely honest, I was doing a lot wrong. I was absolutely doing a lot wrong because I didn’t have the “sticktuitiveness” that I needed to succeed.
Devon Brown:
My biggest challenge, and I didn’t realise this until I was a little bit older in looking back. My biggest challenge was that I wanted things to work overnight. I thought that the stories of “Bob joins company” or “Bob launches business on Monday and is a millionaire by Wednesday.” I thought that’s how it was supposed to be. So if I would join or start a business on Monday, and I wasn’t rich by Wednesday, then I would jump into the next business and thereby losing all the money that I put into the first business. And it wasn’t until I learned and understood the importance of “sticktuitiveness” and of consistency that I stopped realising that, “Oh, I’m not a failure. I just keep giving up.” And those are two different things.
So what were you doing prior to 2001, prior to that initial failure? What was your lead up to that?
Devon Brown:
I was I in college. I graduated from Georgia Southern university where I was hilariously one of the top 16 mascots in the country. I graduated from college in 2000, and as opposed to using my degree, I decided that I was going to be an entrepreneur. And so immediately after graduating college, I stopped looking for any jobs in my degree. And I started just jumping into entrepreneurial ventures, MLMs, and real estate, and internet marketing, and you name it. I tried it. And while I was doing that, I was also selling cars and teaching TaeKwonDo and just living with my mom and attempting to make ends meet while I jumped into all of these different ventures at the time. So, yeah.
What did your mom make of it? I mean, did she think you were crazy for not following…
Devon Brown:
Yes, yes. Yes. She thought I was absolutely insane and I appreciate where she was coming from and she was doing the best with what she knew and she did. She thought I was absolutely insane.
But hilariously enough, or funny enough, when the stuff hit the fan, and I found myself in times of destitution of brokenness, she was the one who was there to still support me and make sure that I had. So while she thought I was crazy, she still supported me as her son.
That’s fantastic. And you know, is she around now to enjoy your successes?
Devon Brown:
She is. And she appreciates it. She sees me gone all the time, speaking on stages, travelling around the world. And she appreciates what the journey that I’ve been through. And she sees me on stage and our relationship is one of, we don’t hug a lot, but we know we love each other, kind of thing. We don’t say it, but you can tell there’s a look in each other’s eyes where we both love and appreciate each other. So she is.
Note from the Editor:
Above is the full interview. Click Play Arrow. Enjoy!
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